Monday, August 17, 2015

Error Propagation in Python

The uncertainties package makes it extremely easy to perform numerical error propagation. If you have numbers with associated uncertainties like \(x = 1 \pm 0.1\), and you want to find how the uncertainty propagates to functions of \(x\).

Simple Example

from uncertainties import *

x = ufloat(1,0.1)  # x = 1 +/- 0.1

y = ufloat(2, 0.1)

print "x = ", x
print "x^2 = ", x**2
print "x/y =", x/y


x =  1.00+/-0.10
x^2 =  1.00+/-0.20
x/y = 0.50+/-0.06


Installing the package is extremely easy with "pip".

sudo pip install  --upgrade uncertainties

Bigger Example

I had a datafile called "stiff.dat", which had data in columns. The first column was bp (base-pairs), the second and third columns were the contour length \(L\) and the associated uncertainty \(\Delta L\), and the last two columns were a quantity \(D^2\) and \(\Delta D^2\).

$ cat stiff.dat

25    5.31    0.18    42.25     4.36
50   15.07    0.84   108.46    23.03
75   24.99    2.26   129.92    29.36
100  36.05    3.85   169.35    20.40
125  49.91    4.91   263.68    88.00
150  58.04    5.82   354.27    66.53
175  80.64    6.89   508.11   132.49
200  85.61    7.73   651.71   234.54
250  129.23  10.16  1018.93   322.32
300  158.55   7.45  1240.22   474.75
425  267.88  13.32  7129.34  5050.29

What I wanted to compute was \[s = L/\sqrt{D^2}.\]
import numpy as np

data = np.loadtxt('regular.dat')
bp   = data[:,0]
N    = len(bp)

for i in range(N):
    L, dL = data[i,1:3]
    D2, dD2 = data[i,3:5]

    s = ufloat(L, dL)/(ufloat(D2, dD2)**0.5)
    print("{0:3d} {1:.4f} {2:0.4f}".format(int(bp[i]), s.n, s.s))

The ".n" and ".s" give access to the nominal value and the standard deviation.

 25 0.7746 0.0603
 50 1.4261 0.2046
 75 2.2058 0.2223
100 2.4951 0.2947
125 2.7341 0.5820
150 3.3198 0.3114
175 3.6405 0.4322
200 4.1599 0.6252
250 4.7373 0.6742
300 5.1782 0.7471
425 5.4803 1.3160


The package has a lot of features. It has some native support for arrays types, correlation of variables, etc.

Here are links to additional tutorial pages

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