Monday, February 12, 2018


1. "Ten Lessons I WishI Had Learned Before I Started Teaching Differential Equations" (Gian-Carlo Rota)
What can we expect students to get out of an elementary course in differential equations? I reject the "bag of tricks" answer to this question. A course taught as a bag of tricks is devoid of educational value. One year later, the students will forget the tricks, most of which are useless anyway. The bag of tricks mentality is, in my opinion, a defeatist mentality, and the justifications I have heard of it, citing poor preparation of the students, their unwillingness to learn, and the possibility of assigning clever problem sets, are lazy ways out.
2. A web clone of MS Paint (

3. Strogatz Lectures on Nonlinear Dyanmics and Chaos (youtube)

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