Monday, February 8, 2016

Controlling Footnote Timing in Beamer Presentations

If you primarily use the \pause command to control the when objects appear in a Beamer presentation, you may have encountered some problems where footnotes appear before they are supposed.

A minimal working example:

 \item Mary had a little lamb
 \item Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall\footnote{be careful when you sit on walls}
 \item ABCDEFG

The footnote associated with bullet-point 2 did not wait for the second bullet point to appear. It was present from the very first slide. The \only tag provides an easy way out.

 \item Mary had a little lamb
 \item Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall\only<2->\footnote{be careful when   you sit on walls}
 \item ABCDEFG

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