Monday, May 19, 2014

Logarithm of A Sum of Exponentials: Part 1

Problem: Consider a stream of real numbers \(x_1, x_2, ..., x_N\). We don't know the magnitude or sign of these numbers.

We want to numerically compute the following sum, for arbitrary \(x_i\) ,\[F = \log \left(e^{x_1} + e^{x_2} + ... + e^{x_N} \right).\]

Motivation: Versions of this problem occur in many places. In statistical mechanics, for example, \(x_i = -\beta U_i\) might correspond to the energy of the system, normalized by the Boltzmann factor.

The logarithm of the partition function \(Z = \sum e^{x_i}\), corresponds to a free energy, \(F = \log Z\).

Issue: The central issue at stake here can be articulated by considering a single term of the summation. \[F = \log e^{x_1} = x_1.\] Suppose \(x_1\) was 1000. Numerically computing \(\log e^{1000}\) would be a problem, because \(e^{1000}\) is greater than the largest number (~ \(10^{308}\))that can be represented in double precision.

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