A key difference between Tallahassee and Ann Arbor is the relative numbers in which the insect and reptile kingdoms are represented. The insects actually bother me more, because more insects means more lizards and frogs, and this entire ecosystem wants to sublet your house without paying rent.
I like to run, and prefer running outdoors, generally on trails. Tallahassee is great because, you can run year round unless the heavens are leaking or a Hurricane stops by to say hello. What amazes me however is the amount of "wild" stuff you encounter. On two occasions (in spring) I've had snakes lazily stretching out on the trail, perhaps hoping somebody will give them a massage or something. A couple of other times we've seen snakes in close to the edge of water bodies. Since we like camping and running in the woods, I decided to do a little researching and am presenting part I here. Part I, is all about the "water moccasin" which sounds like comfy shoe you'd wear to the beach, but in reality is a poisonous reptile with a reputation for meanness.
I started my research at the fountain of all knowledge.
I found the picture below here (by Andy Wraithmell). A water moccasin is also called a cottonmouth (another soft name, these herpetologists need to get real!) because when it opens its mouth (as a defensive power play) all you see is white like cotton.

Things to look for.
1. about 3 feet long
2. in water swims with most of its body above/on water surface
3. head cocked at 45 degrees (see pic above)
4. near water (likes to laze around branches etc.)
5. if mouth open, you see lots of "cotton"
6. like all vipers has a well defined triangular head.
1 comment:
ugly--hate snakes-my boyfriend lives in Tallahassee and we were talking about going to one of the parks and walk trails
maybe I'll buy hip boots
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