Friday, October 18, 2019

LaTeX: Cross-referencing between Different Documents

Problem: I have a manuscript TeX file (main.tex), and an independent supporting information file (si.tex). I was to cross-reference (using \label and \ref) items across the two files.

For example, I might want to reference figure 1 from si.tex in main.tex.

Solution: As this SO answer suggests, the answer lies in the CTAN package xr.

In main.tex, just include "si.tex" as an external documents, and all its labels become visible!


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Parameter Uncertainty in Numpy Polyfit

Say you want to fit a line to (x,y) data. With polyfit, you can say,

coeff = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)

With numpy 1.7 and greater, you can also request the estimated covariance matrix,

coeff, cov = np.polyfit(x, y, 1, cov=True)

The standard error on the parameters is the square-root of the diagonal elements


This report referenced in the SO page is quite useful!